How are you feeling? How are you doing? Have you been able to check in with yourself in the last week?

The other week I went live on Instagram and talked about mindset. Mindset is what will make or break you. Period. End of story. The reason why you are all here is because you made up your mind and went for your dreams and invested in yourself!!

You are my tribe. You are my family. We are here for each other. Let's conquer this world one idea and dream at a time. It is time to keep our heads on our own paths and do what our souls yearn to do.

SO!!! Back to topic! How do you go from BURNOUT TO BURN-UP!!!!


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  1. Charge your phone in the kitchen. Don’t just wake up and check your phone. Go through your morning routine first.

  2. Exercise at least 30 min a day. Two 15 min sessions work too! Or Six 5 min sessions. Whatever you have time for!

  3. Listen to inspiring podcasts! See my instagram highlights for my favorites!

  4. Do something that inspires you. Take a painting class, watch a play, go see a new movie, read a book, have a date with yourself. ANYTHING that gets your brain fired up!!! It is best if you can do this at least once a week! Ps, this is one reason why I do a model for lashes!

  5. My favorite - going into a small business and supporting them. I never feel more fired up then being able to support someone else's dream.


What are you waiting for?! Even if you are still in the burnup and not at burnout yet, make sure to keep fueling that fire.

Those are my 5 ways to fuel myself. What are your ways to fuel yourself?

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