Eye Sensitivity Protocol
Have a client with sensitive eyes? Have a few clients worried about getting a reaction with their eyelash extensions? Let’s dive into how to continue with your beloved lash clients with these issues and how to troubleshoot them.
I heard your client is having some issues after their lash appointment and possibly even during the lash appointment. She messages you and says these few clues that lead us that we need to treat her with the sensitivity protocol.
Itchy and around her eyes, particularly her eyelids
They were bloodshot for a few hours after the appointment
She has to use eyedrops because they are dry
Feels like she has to take an antihistamine before coming to her lash appointment.
The biggest thing here that tells me it is not an allergy is that she has zero swelling there’s no swimming present whatsoever. It is all superficial. As soon as it gets to the swelling point that tells me it is an allergy and not an irritation.
Here are the 6 things that you are going to do at her next appointment. I have done this protocol on clients with minor swelling and signs of an allergy and have them come out being able to get eyelash extensions again in the end.
The first step is to only use yellow microfoam tape under the eyes and to maneuver the eyelids. No gel pads, no yellow paper tape nothing else other than the microfoam tape.
The second is to wash her lashes five minutes after the service. This is to even wash around the eye area. Fumes from the adhesive have particles and those microparticles settle onto the skin. Sometimes this can irritate people so we want to clean it off. I will say this once and I will say it 1 million times more that you are allowed to get your eyelashes wet after five minutes of the service. Most of the time when I do this step I have them go home and immediately wash.
How to Clean you eyelash extensions. Sensitive Eyelash Extension Protocol
The third protocol is to put a layer of Cortizone cream or other barrier cream around the skin of the eye for protection. This is great for anybody who has skin when you have extra skin. There are micro cracks in the surface that allow in more particles and irritations. This will stop that. Some clients don’t even do the whole entire sensitivity 6-step protocol and just do this one alone and already have a benefit.
The fourth protocol step is to use as pure adhesive as possible. And for my girls who know me, I am a clear adhesive lover, for this reason specifically. Fewer irritations for you and your client. Sometimes it is the harsh chemicals of black carbon and black adhesive that make the irritation and respiratory issues a problem. Be sure to never get your adhesive from Amazon where you cannot guarantee the manufacturer. Source adhesive from a company that is reputable. Read the ingredients and be sure there are no crazy additives that should be in there. The best cleared adhesive ingredients that should be in the adhesive are Ethel-cyanoacrylate for the sticky and PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) for the flexibility.
The fifth step in the sensitivity protocol is to use no extra products on the eyes. So we can rule out any of the steps you are using that could cause an irritation. Only use a sailing solution or purified water primer, and do not use that sealer.
The sixth step is to place a wonton on the eyelid. I call it the wonton because it looks like a wonton. You can see from the video here that you will get a 2-inch piece of microfoam tape and apply one long side close to the eyelid where One would place eyeliner. Slightly push down the eye to ensure that it is closed and the top part pinch it to create a little tent. This will ensure that the eye does not open and can properly relax. The eyes are one muscle of the body that moves voluntarily. Also, a third of the world population cannot properly close even if they think they are closed. so this one is pretty common. When your client’s eyes stay shut for the duration of the appointment, it will have automatically less irritation as no fumes from the adhesive will be able to enter the eyes.
How to close your client’s eyes. Eyelash Sensitivity Protocol
There you have it! The sixth steps of the Eyelash Extension Irritation Protocol.
1 - Yellow foam tape only
2 - Wash lashes
3 - Barrier cream
4 - Pure adhesive
5 - No extra unneeded products
6 - Use wontons
Using these steps on those clients who potentially are unable to get extensions anymore, will make a world of a difference! Test out even one or two of these steps and you may see a difference in irritations. No one wants to have to stop their lash service from their body being overexposed to something outside of its force. If you have any sensitive clients or potentially allergic clients, try this protocol and it will help!
Of course, disclaimer if anybody is truly allergic to extensions, they will still fail this protocol and at that point, I do not recommend getting eyelash extensions at all. It is rare, but alas, it is a possibility to happen. All we can do is do our best and recommend some techniques, but we are not doctors and cannot prescribe anything.
If this helps you and your clientele let me know! I would love to hear how you have been able to implement this into your business.
There you have it. Be patient my lash love, you are daring to get out of your drama and into your dreams here. That is huge. And I want to congratulate you on being human because I am so happy you are. If you have any clientele questions please don’t hesitate to shoot them my way. I look forward to seeing you again when you like, share, comment, and subscribe to make your lashing career more crystal clear.
Talk you soon
Asia Kay