Over the Covid and through the feels

“Over the river and through the woods - to grandma’s house we go!” Uh…. Let me fix that - “Over the covid and through the feels - to happy peace we go! 

We are on our way to greatness, the only way to do it is to go through the hurt. Cry it out - even ugly cry it out and go sit in your car and scream a bit if you want to. Feel the emotions as they come and have the grace with yourself to be ok with feeling those feelings. You don’t have to be triggered by anything and you sometimes don’t need to figure out the trigger in these situations - just sit and feel what you are feeling no matter what it is. Make yourself a safe place to feel - even if that is in a bathtub in your PJ’s. 

One part of working through things is to get it out. In a relationship with someone else you have to talk to that person and let the emotions out to get through things - here we are just working with ourselves, so how do we let it out? 

Asia Kay outside grounding, getting grounded
  1. Journal it out. Don’t know what to write? You can start writing random words that you are feeling right now. Ask yourself “what am I feeling” and write it down. My favorite one I have done recently is to take your journal and write out the ABC’s, one letter per page of your journal. On every page for that letter - write your triumphs, things that make you happy, and what you are grateful for. Listing them off in my head then finding the write page and letter they go under has been a soothing activity for my mind these couple days.

  2. Scribble on a piece of paper like you are a 2 year old. We have a lot to learn from those little guys! They are great at showing what emotions they feel at any given time. It is time for us to dig into our inner child here and let it out! Scribbling is one way to do that! 

  3. Go for a walk - if you can. Walking is an amazing way to let out slow steady energy that you have built up. Put on good music or a podcast or youtube video and just walk. See where you go and pay attention to all the emotions that come up. 

  4. Have a letting go ceremony - once you have figured out what you want to let go of in your life - physically and/or emotionally - write it down on little pieces of paper. Get a fire safe bowl (or fire pit or grill if able), and set it on fire. As you burn piece by piece imagine it leaving your energetic body. 

  5. Make some bread - meaning, punch something. Making bread is perfect for this! Get your hands down and dirty and WORK IT! You can also do this with a pile of pillows or blankets.

There will be an end to this - there is bound to be. When though is the question. Our whole future has been unraveled and re-written. What we thought was secure is not longer in some cases. The only thing you have control over - is you. You are your past, present and future. And we have to “invest” in ourselves by giving us the space to feel. So then we can turn around and “apply” our “investment” in the new upcoming future. The only way to get past this in one piece is to go through it. 

Over the covid and through the feels 2

It took a lot for me to admit that I am not my normal self right now - I used to be little miss productive and now I have a hard time getting motivation to even think about work - but you know what? I am going to feel through it because that is the only way to the end. The ascension of life that is about to happen needs me to show up now as my whole vulnerable self to be able to show up then. 

Come what may! I will be in my bed with a book or journal if anyone needs me! I may be making a Youtube video to go through my Bullet Journal(s) here in the future! Be on the lookout!

With love 

<3 Asia

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