Want to know how to reuse something that can DEFINITELY be used in many other ways? Because we have to take care of this beautiful planet of ours! Thank you Russian Queen Lashes for the Inspo!!
Let’s talk about reusing your Lash trays. Even if you have a mix tray with 1-2 strips of 16’s in there that you will never use, move those over to another tray and use the empty one!!
The biggest and most popular idea to use the trays for is for your clients aftercare! Print off a paper (PS that is included in this email!) cut out the aftercare then put in a couple goodies and a lash brush or two! It is so nice for your clients and keeps it handy in their purse!
Printable PDF of aftercare that fits in the trays is below!
How else can you use old trays??
Use them for Pro-Made lashes that you make!
Put jewelry - mostly earrings in them for when you travel!
Recycle - it is plastic right?
Put your phone cord in it to keep it from getting tangled.
Giving a gift card to someone? Paint the tray and put the card in the tray!!
There you go! One step you take can make a big difference when it comes to taking care of this world of ours :)
Here is where you will find the Printout of aftercare! Because you deserve it!