This past week I had the opportunity to go to a few business summits here in Knoxville and wanted to share with you what I most took away from it! I made a nice simple list so you can skim fast through this - because who likes reading emails?? This is exactly the stuff I also teach about during our retreats! Live your dream life, you are not just a slave to your business!

  1. Your business will never outgrow your mindset - grow your mindset to grow your business.

  2. When you lack words, you lack meaning.

  3. Your identity is EVERYTHING for what we do in our business.

  4. Take the "busy" out of business. Saying you are "busy" just tell others we are lazy and unorganized.

  5. Growing a business while on the "busy" train will deplete you of time, energy, money, and hinder you from reaching your maximum ability.

  6. When you are firm in what you want in life, you will no longer look at what others are doing and thinking. This will take away the feeling of you having to "catch up"

  7. In order to build a business and a life that is on the other side of busy, you must learn to do less with MORE FOCUS!

  8. Be a blood hound of your business!!!

  9. Are you just whispering what you do? No more whispering!

  10. Learning doesn't matter if you are not simply IMPLEMENTING what you have learned.

    See you soon friends!


PS want to stay in the know about upcoming retreats? Click here!

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